Clean Charts

Time reading this page: 2 minutes
Time installing the Templates: Just a few minutes with our MetaTrader Pro setup

What does it do?

This template sets the chart properties with a consistent look – removing the grid lines, candle colours and using various zoom levels to help analyse price-action movements on the available screen area.

If you want to make your own customised versions of this template we recommend you “Save as…” with a new template name in order to keep the default template and not have any new settings lost when installing updates.

MetaTrader Template for Clean Charts by Analytic Trading

What is it for?

This template helps you reset your charts with a consistent look, and remove any EA and indicators, ready for a simple view of price movements, to prepare to add your preferred EA and indictors, and then save your own custom templates.

How do we use it?

We use this as our base setting for building up our preferred indicators and EA setup, depending on our needs for the particular chart.

Everything we do is to use the time-saving features of MetaTrader to quickly configure our charts for our ideal view of the price movements, and avoid information-overload – this is a fast way to return to a consistent starting point with this aim.

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